Kids & Students
They are the next generation and we desire to see them become all that God has called them to be.
In response, we love to partner with parents to provide opportunities for students to grow individually, with others, and in their relationship with God
Leading kids to live and move and have their being in Jesus Christ
Motown classes
Kids are groups by age/grade. Here are how our classrooms are split up:
Rhythm Road: Newborn - 1-Year-Old
Spin Circle: 2-Years-Old - Kindergarten
Jive Drive: 1st Grade - 4th Grade
Route 56: 5th Grade & 6th Grade
Safe, fun, and clean environments
We believe our kids need a safe, fun, and clean place to grow individually, with others, and in their relationship with God. Every child is checked in and accounted for. Every room is kept clean and tidy. Lastly, classrooms are designed to be fun and exciting for kids.
Hand Crafted just for their age
Every kid learns a little differently as they grow older. That is why we create a unique experience for kids of every age group. Whether they are a few months old and just need some loving care and attention, or getting close to those preteen years and needing a message to help them transition to junior high, we are intentional in giving each kid the care, attention, and message that they need to grow.
Leading students to live and move and have their being in Jesus Christ
authentic community
Establishing and sustaining life-giving and positive relationships are critical for becoming the person that God has called us to be. That is why we are intentional about creating an environment that fosters friendships that are best for students.
a true identity
6th through 12th grade are crucial years for students because they exploring and discovering who they are and how they fit into this world. Because of this, we are passionate about partnering with parents to guide students in understanding their potential, worth, and who they are in Christ.
in every season
Whether they are new to the youth group or have been there since the beginning of it, each student has something they are working on and learning about. In response, we craft lessons to challenge students to be leaders in their schools and to grow no matter what season of life they are in.